I’ve been a little busy in the Prydein Press office of late. Not only have I signed a couple of new authors (more about that soon). But I have been getting ready to put our first book into traditional paper format. Wow! certainly a lot of work, but so rewarding to know that the wonderful knowledge that is contained within these pages will persist long after the power has run out!
Dr. Jenny Blain first released Wights and Ancestors: Heathenry in a living landscape, over a decade ago. It has been a key text for those exploring the Northern traditions ever since. She has been working on a new and improved edition for some months now and we are really excited that we are close to releasing this brilliant little book. As well as the original text Jenny has included additional essays and some inspiring detailed insights for working with spirits of the land which draw on folklore and mythology in a forthright and refreshing way.
By way of a little appetiser I thought you might like to see the cover of the new and improved 3rd edition which will be released within the next few weeks.
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Well, I am rather excited to launch our first anthology competition today. And I really hope you will be as excited about it as I am.
As a writer I realised early on that getting my name out there was going to be really important in my career. Particularly if I wanted a publisher to consider taking on the book I so desperately wanted to write. I had considered getting an agent, but had eventually discounted that because I was in a very niche market and didn’t really have a lot to show for myself. So I started writing articles and eventually contributed to an anthology.
The problem with anthologies though is that they aren’t very well paid, if at all. If the publishing house is big enough you may get a small fee. But for many kudos and a couple of copies of the book is all you will receive. There is a good reason for this. Financial viability. Unless the work becomes some kind of international best seller it’s just not practical to pay every person a royalty fee. And in the case of niche markets some books don’t actually make money. They are a gamble.
So I decided that I might try and do something different for Prydein Press’ first outing into anthology land. The three contributors drawn from a hat on the day of release will receive annually a third share of the royalties* for as long as the book remains in print. The remaining contributors will receive a copy of the book, the ability to purchase the book in bulk at a reduced price so they can sell on at conferences etc. and yes you guessed it Kudos.
Submission Guidelines
The guidelines are very simple, the subject is the Tarot. You can choose to look at History, Spreads, The Majors or The Minors, The Courts or Reversals. Basically if it is Tarot related I will consider it. How you do this could be through poetry or prose, it could be a fictional story or an academic treatise. It’s entirely up to you.
- The submission must be electronic, and it must be in document or rich text format.
- The length of the submission should be between 2000 and 4000 words long.
- The work must be entirely your own work unless you are using quotations, in which case you must reference appropriately.
- You may submit more than one entry.
- The deadline is 30th of June 2016.
*Under the standard Prydein Press royalty structure.
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Tara Sanchez – Executive Director
It’s been a little while coming but I am pleased to announce the launch of Prydein Press.
At the end of 2014 after long discussions with numerous authors and writers, it became obvious that there was a need to provide a broader publishing and digital media service for writers and authors working within the Occult, Pagan and New Age markets. This service would not only cover academic and experiential texts from a Pagan/Occult perspective but would also accept subject matter within the Mind Body Spirit genre and more importantly works of fiction as well.
This idea percolated around in my head for over 12 months until finally systems were in place to publicize our existence. We have a number of exciting upcoming titles, including a 3 volume series focussed on Essex Witchcraft, Folklore and Mythology from J.W.Cole, a study of Urban Fae by yours truly and very excitingly a new, improved and expanded edition of Ancestors and Wights by Dr. Jenny Blain. Obviously we are also looking for other authors to join us so If you have an idea or a manuscript you wish to be considered please read our submission guidelines Here
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